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Szukana fraza: Autor: Saika Kibria <>
Znaleziono: 2 wiadomości

  • 2011 Conference on Child Rights and Sight

    2011-07-21 05:25:18 autor: Saika Kibria

    2011 Conference on Child Rights and Sight Organized by: Distressed Children & Infants International (DCI) Co-Organizers: Yale UNICEF, Rights & Sight for Children (RSC), Eye Surgery ... [ więcej ]

    grupa: pl.praca.oferowana

  • Zakat Donations

    2011-08-27 01:59:42 autor: Saika Kibria

    Please Donate Your ZAKAT to Distressed Children & Infants Intl. (DCI) to Help Underprivileged Children Dear Friends: Assalamu Alaikum and Ramadan mubarak to you. We are now in the ... [ więcej ]

    grupa: pl.praca.oferowana

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