
PracaGrupypl.praca.dyskusjeKolejna prosba o ocene
Ilość wypowiedzi w tym wątku: 2

  • 1. Data: 2006-05-20 18:45:57
    Temat: Kolejna prosba o ocene
    Od: haste <>

    Prosil bym bardzo o ocene mojego listu motywacyjnego...

    With reference to your advertisement in yesterday's "........." for
    ............................. I wish to apply for this job.
    The position seems to fit very well with my education, experience, and
    career interests
    I have 2 years practical experience in IT sector. I still extend and
    gain new theoretical knowledge from this range. During my studies I have
    an opportunity to familiarize myself with many of programming techniques
    (e.g. C, C++, Java, SQL) algorithmic and optimalizations .
    I have strong background in modern computers and networking hardware,
    various peripherals and electronic devices , as well as knowledge of
    many operating system and office suites . My enclosed CV provides more
    details on my qualifications
    I'm very personable, flexible and well organized person with a "can do"
    attitude, who likes to see project to completion.
    Abilities such as analytical thinking, fast learning and accurate
    conclusions should be very useful for a worker in a company like ..............
    My background and career goals seem to match your job requirements
    well. I am confident that I can perform the job effectively
    Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing with you

    Bede wdzieczny za wszelkie uwagi. List byl pisany w oparciu o gotowe juz

  • 2. Data: 2006-05-20 20:18:04
    Temat: Re: Kolejna prosba o ocene
    Od: "KaRoLa" <>

    jak dla mnie to kiepskie i pomijam bledy gramatyczne.

    > With reference to your advertisement in yesterday's "........." for
    > ............................. I wish to apply for this job.
    nie wczorajsze tylko data konkretna, for the position of:

    > The position seems to fit very well with my education, experience, and
    > career interests
    jak z przedszkola, wywalic w ogole

    > I have 2 years practical experience in IT sector. I still extend and gain new
    > theoretical knowledge from this range. During my studies I have an opportunity
    > to familiarize myself with many of programming techniques (e.g. C, C++, Java,
    > SQL) algorithmic and optimalizations .
    powielona informacja z cv

    > I have strong background in modern computers and networking hardware, various
    > peripherals and electronic devices , as well as knowledge of many operating
    > system and office suites . My enclosed CV provides more details on my
    > qualifications
    za ogolnie.

    > I'm very personable, flexible and well organized person with a "can do"
    > attitude, who likes to see project to completion.
    > Abilities such as analytical thinking, fast learning and accurate conclusions
    > should be very useful for a worker in a company like ..............
    > My background and career goals seem to match your job requirements
    > well. I am confident that I can perform the job effectively
    > Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing with you
    hehe wlasnie z takich przykladow sie najczesciej wysmiewa.

    > Bede wdzieczny za wszelkie uwagi. List byl pisany w oparciu o gotowe juz
    > schematy...
    to widac

    co zmienic:

    podziel CL na konkretne akapity:
    1. I would like to apply itd

    2. dlaczego wlasnie ta firma (nie dlatego ze jest najlepsza), dlaczego wlasnie
    ten dzial, jesli stypendia to najlepiej tutaj wspomniec o wiedzy teoretycznej,
    gdzie sie ja nabylo. Ewentualnie dodatkowe kursy.

    3. konkretniej na temat umiejetnosci, ale nie tak ze rzucasz hasla. Od tego jest
    cv. W CL masz np opisac doswiadczenei zawodowe. I na podstawie tego co zrobiles
    opisac swoje umiejetnosci.

    4. wpokazac ze sie jest swiadomym wyzwan jakie niesie ze soba praca, i
    nakierowac lekko na zainteresowanie sie czytajacego spotkaniem. Wskazac tez
    ewentualne daty, ktore moga nie odpowiadac.

    popatrz sobie tam


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