
PracaGrupypl.praca.szukanaMI5 Persecution: Buerk and Lewis deny their spying
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  • 1. Data: 2006-11-29 19:02:54
    Temat: MI5 Persecution: Buerk and Lewis deny their spying

    Buerk and Lewis deny their spying

    This letter was sent on 6 February 1997 to me by BBC Viewer and Listener Information,
    in reply to a letter I had sent
    them on 17 January. The letter says the BBC would "never engage in any form of
    surveillance activity such as you describe".

    The BBC also informed me that they had spoken to Michael Buerk and Martyn Lewis, and
    that these two newscasters had
    categorically denied spying on me. However, the BBC and these two employees have
    refused to put these denials in writing.

    Needless to say, I do not accept the denials of the BBC and its employees. I think
    they are lying. Unfortunately I cannot
    prove otherwise, and my attempt to "smoke them out" by suing them hit a brick wall.


    Posted via a free Usenet account from

strony : [ 1 ]

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